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Olivier Vergniolle

Olivier Vergniolle

Arsene, France

Département de travail

Corporate tax / Controle & litigation / Personal taxation


Co-founder of the firm Arsene of which he is currently one of the members of the Management Committee.


Olivier advises the groups and their leaders within the framework of their structuring, restructuring, development and cessation operations in France and internationally. He has a very broad experience which allows him to understand the questions as a whole and to provide solutions, often transversal.

He is particularly active in the audiovisual, mass distribution, luxury goods and services industries.


English / German

Membre de

Member of Taxand's board


Maitrise droit des affaires et fiscalité Paris II ASSAS Maitrise de Gestion Paris X Dauphine DESS Affaires internationales Paris X Dauphine