Firms To Watch: Court of protection

Ashfords LLP fields a ‘really strong team which deals with some of the more complex welfare matters before the Court of Protection’. Katie Webber. Kerry Morgan Gould and Michael Alden co-head the department, which was pleased to add Jess Flanagan to its ranks, as a consultant, from Clarke Willmott LLP.
It is a ‘really powerful’ team at Macfarlanes LLP ‘that offers a Rolls-Royce service to clients from the highest reaches of society: they ensure they have a deep understanding of their clients’ ultimate aims and keep a keen eye on the bigger picture’. Charles Lloyd is at the helm.
Michelmores LLP has a ‘good solid base in the South West of England with a budding new team under Holly Mieville-Hawkins' guidance. Always a solid option to refer to when there is a conflict, and a safe pair of hands is required'.
Mark Keenan heads a multi-disciplinary offering at Mishcon de Reya LLP. It is praised for ‘looking after its clients’ interests with absolute diligence, and pursuing contested litigation with verve and without leaving a stone unturned’.
The ‘collaborative’ team at Moore Barlow has Rebecca Sparrow at the helm. Sparrow ‘is conscientious, thorough, knowledgeable and a very experienced Court of Protection Solicitor’.
The team at Reeds Solicitors is led from Cardiff by Sarah Griffiths-Jones. The practice has continued to grow since its 2019 launch, expanding into Bristol in spring 2022, with recent work of note including some significant High Court cases.
‘All three partners at Rook Irwin Sweeney LLP are exceptional lawyers at the top of their games, with deservedly excellent reputations’. Alex Rook; Polly Sweeney and Anne-Marie Irwin are the heads of department.

Court of protection in London

Irwin Mitchell

The ‘huge’ team at Irwin Mitchell has a ‘highly respected national offering’ across its ten offices. It supports in excess of 1,500 clients nationwide and has over 1,250 deputyships. The group offers expert advice on all COP matters, including litigated complex welfare disputes and deprivation of liberty safeguards. It also covers property, affairs and welfare deputyships. The agile team acts as professional deputy/trustee on many high-value cases involving multi-million-pound funds and manages in excess of £1.5bn of protected parties’ assets. Lucy Nicol frequently acts as a professional deputy and trustee for clients who have received multimillion pound damages as a result of medical negligence claims or serious injury. Yogi Amin undertakes a broad range of judicial review, human rights and mental capacity law cases. In addition, Amin is an Accredited Legal Representative for Mental Capacity welfare work. Damian Hodkinson is also highly regarded. Angela Jackman KC receives a steady of instructions from the Official Solicitor.

Responsables de la pratique:

Lucinda Nicol; Yogi Amin

Autres avocats clés:

Damian Hodkinson; Angela Jackman KC; Sean Atwood; Lucy Bazley

Les références

‘Irwin Mitchell’s Court of protection team is stellar! I have been working with Lucy Nicol who is absolutely brilliant, she is prepared to grapple with very tricky clients, she is approachable, extremely knowledgeable and absolutely first rate’.

‘The largest cross-country firm with offices local to most areas’.

‘Sean Atwood has a great deal of experience and understanding of their client’s needs’.

Principaux clients

Amy McLennan




LF v A NHS Trust & Ors





Principaux dossiers

  • Represented Amy McLennan, mother of William Verden, in high-profile Court of Protection proceedings relating to whether it was in William’s best interests to undergo a kidney transplant.
  • Represented DC in Court of Protection proceedings in relation to a dispute over whether he should receive a Covid-19 vaccination and the associated boosters.
  • Represented the father of G, a 27-year-old woman who suffered from a serious degenerative neurological condition, in proceedings in the Court of Appeal concerning whether the Court of Protection has the power to make injunctions.

Thomson Snell & Passmore

Thomson Snell & Passmore has a ‘gold standard team’, which has a ‘long-standing reputation that is thoroughly deserved, because year after year it produces excellent work’. At the helm is Brian Bacon. The group acts as deputy in over 250 cases with an estimated value of over £350m in assets. The practice is renowned for its expertise in property and affairs cases, especially in high-value catastrophic injury claims. It continually advises on capacity issues, and frequently acts as an expert witness on such matters. Rosie Hamlyn has a particular focus on helping clients who have been involved in catastrophic accidents. Catherine Fuller is another important member of the department. She specialises in applications for individuals with severe brain injuries, and other complex medical conditions. Newly promoted partner, Louise Mathias-Williams, has particular expertise in advising on care fee funding. In addition, Mathias-Williams regularly prepares applications to the Court of Protection relating to lifetime gifts; statutory wills and Trustee Act applications for elderly clients. Tom Hall is now at Hugh James.

Responsables de la pratique:

Brian Bacon

Autres avocats clés:

Rosie Hamlyn; Catherine Fuller; Louise Mathias-Williams

Les références

‘Brian Bacon runs a fantastic Court of Protection/Deputy team – I can highly recommend him. The team has huge experience is amazingly efficient’.

‘Brian Bacon is a superb leader of the team: highly intelligent, hugely able and caring. Catherine Fuller is another who is thoroughly deserving of mention. Both are fantastic leaders of the team and inspire utter confidence when advising the most injured and vulnerable clients’.

‘They have a fantastic team including Rosie Hamlyn and Louise Mathias-Williams both of whom have long experience of looking after the elderly and vulnerable’.

Withers LLP

The court of protection team at Withers LLP is 'vastly experienced and has acted in some of the highest profile cases. It traverses this sometimes-idiosyncratic jurisdiction expertly and secures excellent results for its often HNW clients.' As well as acting for families and appointed representatives of older and vulnerable people, it regularly acts for trustees, executors, charities and other professional groups. Julia Abrey has a particular interest in cross-border mental capacity issues. Stephen Richards also garners considerable praise for his expertise in elder law matters. Paul Hewitt specialises in all types of trust and probate disputes, and routinely advises on contentious court of protection matters. Natasha Stourton  covers issues such as statutory wills, lifetime gifts and contested registrations. Senior associate Alice Tomlin is another key figure who covers a range of contentious trust and succession disputes, and has a particular focus on court of protection matters. The team also excels at advising on disabled trusts, and advance decisions to refuse medical treatment.

Responsables de la pratique:

Julia Abrey; Stephen Richards

Autres avocats clés:

Paul Hewitt; Natasha Stourton; Alice Tomlin

Les références

‘Stephen Roberts leads an internationally recognised team of private client and contentious probate lawyers. All the team are approachable and straight talking. Extremely valuable when difficult decisions need to be made’.

‘Julia Abrey, head of the elder client team has the right balance of empathy and detailed knowledge of complex law to deliver not just a first class service- but one where the client feels truly supported’.

‘Withers Court of Protection Team are second to none. The team have great experience whilst also the sensitivity needed for these matters. Stephen Richards is a leader in the field. Handles multi-party complex matters with ease’.

Principaux clients

Gopichand Parmanand Hinduja, Prakash Parmanand Hinduja and Ashok Parmanand Hinduja

Abbotstone Law

Francesca Gabbitas heads the team at Abbotstone Law, which is praised for its ‘consistently high-quality work’, and for its skill at dealing with ‘some extremely challenging cases and individuals’. It provides a ‘properly individualised and compassionate service to some of the neediest clients’. The group has an established practice in the mental capacity sector and is adept at dealing with the crossover between mental capacity and complex mental health issues. It represents vulnerable adults and family members in health and welfare court of protection proceedings. In addition, it is regularly instructed by the Official Solicitor. Kate Luscombe and Andrea Spyrou are other significant members of the department. Daniel Bradley joined the team as a consultant solicitor in September 2022.

Responsables de la pratique:

Francesca Gabbitas

Autres avocats clés:

Kate Luscombe; Rhiannon Jones; Andrea Spyrou; Angela Smith; Frances Rattray; Daniel Bradley: Lucinda Broad

Les références

‘I am currently working on a case with Francesca Gabbitas and she is excellent. Her contact and updates are second to none and she is competent and confident’.

‘Meticulous preparation of cases, careful consideration of best interests and collaboration with others involved in P’s welfare’.

‘Rhiannon has the right balance between working with local authorities to find a way forward, but equally stands firm when local authority is not proceeding as they should’.

Anthony Collins Solicitors LLP

With Donna Holmes at the helm at Anthony Collins Solicitors LLP, it provides tailored deputy and welfare services for over 190 clients. It helps those who have received high-value catastrophic injury settlements, as well as those who are on state benefits. It is managing over £86m of assets. The team is well-equipped to handle the full spectrum of issues. Many of its cases straddle health and welfare, as well as property and affairs. In addition, it is frequently appointed as interim panel deputy as part of ongoing proceedings, increasingly where there are investigations into the past dealings of abusive attorneys or deputies. Douglas Houghton deals with both property and affairs matters, including statutory wills, financial abuse claims, and contested deputyship applications. He also assists lay deputies.

Responsables de la pratique:

Donna Holmes

Autres avocats clés:

Douglas Houghton; Puja Desai

Les références

‘They have handled matters professionally and sensitively, giving prompt attention to matters, giving sound advice based on their experience and drawing on their wealth of expertise in this field’.

‘Douglas Houghton has shown that he has excellent knowledge and experience in this field. He makes himself available whenever necessary and is always happy to lend a listening ear and help out in any way he can’. 

‘All team members are always helpful, friendly and know their work well. They manage expectations of time scales well. Douglas Houghton is efficient, deals with issues in a timely way and is friendly and polite. He is helpful and explains the situation well’.

Principaux dossiers

  • Acted for TH in a matter where another firm of solicitors had been appointed as Deputy whilst he was under the age of 18. Assisted him with a revised assessment of his capacity.
  • Acted for DS and his mother and brother in a matter involving an application by a firm of solicitors for their prospective appointment as Deputy for their family member.
  • Acted as Deputy for MM who suffered catastrophic injuries as a result of a road traffic collision and for which an award of damages has been recently secured, it has identified a housing solution to meet the complex care needs of MM herself.

Anthony Gold Solicitors LLP

Anthony Gold Solicitors LLP has ‘a very strong and experienced court of protection team’. David Wedgwood jointly heads the department with Alexandra Knipe – both of whom are ‘very well respected’. Wedgwood undertakes both welfare and financial related litigation in the court of protection. He receives referrals from the Official Solicitor, local authorities and other lawyers. Knipe frequently deals with deputyships arising from complex personal injury and clinical negligence cases. She supports clients with acquired brain injuries, severe physical disabilities and mental illnesses. The team is frequently instructed by other firms to undertake expert witness work as well.  Emma Tante often provides litigation COP support on complex multi-million pound compensation claims. In addition, she is continuing to develop her community care experience.

Responsables de la pratique:

Alexandra Knipe; David Wedgwood

Autres avocats clés:

Emma Tante

Les références

Ms Alexandra Knipe has always been supportive in her approach, ensuring the case manager’s opinion is always noted. She is very professional in her manner and I feel a sense of relief knowing she is the deputy on my cases’.

‘Strong diversity in the team including offices outside of central London. Alex Knipe is the stand out partner but with strong associates supporting’.

‘Very experienced lawyers in this field dealing with some quite complex cases including overseas elements. Well respected with a good depth of knowledge’.

Principaux dossiers

  • In the matter of JS -acting for a Chinese resident in applications relating to setting up a support plan in Shanghai and facilitating a surrogacy in California, then to bring the baby from USA to PRC.
  • Acting for The Official Solicitor |Numerous matters involving property disputes and consequential instructions to take deputyships to safeguard assets going forward]
  • The Trustees of the M Trusts – acting to recover stolen trust assets, restructuring trusts, then deputyship application, so as to deliver improved quality of life.

Bindmans LLP

The ‘excellent’ and ‘well-respected’ team at Bindmans LLP has ‘solicitors who pay a great attention to detail to get the best results for their clients’. Led by Laura Hobey-Hamsher, the thriving practice continues to act in both contentious and non-contentious matters for many vulnerable adults and their families. In addition, it receives a steady flow of instructions from the Official Solicitor, Independent Mental Capacity Advocates, NGOs, charities, and other members of the legal profession and judiciary. The group is well-placed to handle issues as diverse as medical treatment cases, cross-border matters, and health and welfare issues. In addition, it is skilled at advising on property and financial affairs matters for wealthy individuals. Karen May is a Law Society Accredited Legal Representative in relation to welfare cases. At associate level, Will Whitaker, is well-regarded.

Responsables de la pratique:

Laura Hobey-Hamsher

Autres avocats clés:

Will Whitaker; Karen May; Elizabeth Cleaver; Emma Varley

Les références

‘Bindmans provides the full panoply of legal support – great admin; great leadership at a partner level. Will Whitaker is thoughtful and committed and passionate about his work. Emma Varley knows Court of Protection work backwards. Karen May is a brilliant operator’. 

‘Probably the strongest all-round CoP team out there. Significant expertise in welfare cases, medical treatment cases, and also some property and financial affairs cases (including LPAs and statutory wills)’.

‘Laura Hobey-Hamsher – vastly experienced, excellent manner with clients, extremely hard-working I would also recommend Emma Varley and Will Whitaker in this team as particular stars’.

Principaux clients

Tony Hickmott

Health Service Executive of Ireland

Boyes Turner

The ‘very brilliant and helpful’ Ruth Meyer is the practice head at Boyes Turner. It fields a well-organised team which specialises in the management of the property and affairs of high-net-worth individuals who lack capacity, whether they be children, adults or the elderly. The majority of its clients have substantial claims for personal injury or clinical negligence compensation. As well as professional deputyships, the team is regularly approached to provide advice to support lay deputy applications. Alexander Wright, who is ‘the epitome of a very ethical lawyer, and has a good following’, also acts as a professional deputy for property and affairs and works principally with clients who have suffered injuries at birth with lifelong care needs.

Responsables de la pratique:

Ruth Meyer

Autres avocats clés:

Alexander Wright; Lindsay Da Re

Les références

‘The team are very responsive. Very approachable, lovely to deal with. Listen well to ideas when advocating for the client’.

‘Very personable and knowledgeable that puts clients at ease almost immediately. Ruth Meyer is one of the most caring and considerate individuals in the field’.

‘Alexander Wright has substantial and high quality technical knowledge’.

Charles Russell Speechlys LLP

Suzanne Marriott and Sally Ashford co-head the department at Charles Russell Speechlys LLP, which is an integral part of the wider private wealth practice. As a result, it regularly handles major multi-jurisdictional disputes, as well as cases with fraud and other issues relating to the management of large estates and global asset portfolios. Marriott is a member of the Solicitors for the Elderly and the STEP special interest group on mental capacity. Ashford is also a member of the STEP special interest group on mental capacity. Marriott often acts as a trustee, executor, deputy, attorney and charitable trustee for many well-known clients. Ashford concentrates on deputyship matters, and other issues such as statutory will applications. Ashford deals with complex capacity issues, in addition to acting as a professional deputy on welfare, property and financial affairs.

Responsables de la pratique:

Suzanne Marriott; Sally Ashford

Autres avocats clés:

Oliver Auld; Robyn Hack

Les références

‘This firm is highly experienced in this area. There are few individuals with more expertise in COP work than Suzanne Marriott’.

‘The team really know their way around the practice area. They have a lot of experience in the area and this allows them to act with great calmness and efficiency, with a strategic eye at all times’.

‘Suzanne Marriott is without peer in Court of Protection work. She is the first port of call both for HNW litigants seeking representation and parties seeking an independent professional deputy in such cases’.

Clarke Willmott LLP

Clarke Willmott LLP has ‘a fantastic Court of Protection team which has genuine expertise, strength in depth, and can cover contentious and non-contentious work’. It has the benefit of two panel deputies, Anthony Fairweather and Anne Minihane . Fairweather has been appointed as deputy for over 220 people, and specialises in the management of high-value personal injury awards arising from complex catastrophic injury in clinical negligence cases. He also handles a range of cases with cross-border elements, and acts as an expert witness in personal injury litigation. Minihane acts as a deputy for those who have acquired brain injury, had a diagnosis of dementia, stroke or other learning difficulties, as well as those with psychiatric illnesses. In addition, she has a substantial practice in applications to the court of protection for the recognition and/or enforcement of foreign orders.

Responsables de la pratique:

Anthony Fairweather

Autres avocats clés:

Anne Minihane; Bonita Walters; Michelle Manley; Victoria Day

Les références

‘Anne Minihane has exceptional knowledge in her field and is able to provide in depth information concerning Court of Protection matters and also LPAs’.

‘They are extremely thorough and knowledgeable. They address issues immediately. They know their clients and their families well and always work to improve lives and to secure the best possible solution for each client’. 

‘Personalised attention given with expertise and compassion. Anne Minihane is dedicated to her clients and prepared to go the extra mile in seeking the best outcomes for them’.

DAC Beachcroft LLP

DAC Beachcroft LLP has a large and specialist team, which advises many health and social care commissioners, the NHS, as well as independent health and social care providers. The team is recognised for its skill at advising on the complex legal framework covering mental capacity, mental health and deprivation of liberty. It regularly advises on disputes around mental capacity, best interests, and serious medical treatment. Practice head, Paul McGough is a known name for his work on difficult cases necessitating serious medical treatment, and multi-agency safeguarding issues. Gill Weatherill has a broad practice. She frequently represents providers in high profile court of protection cases, as well as where there are other issues relating to clinical governance and patient safety.

Responsables de la pratique:

Paul McGough

Autres avocats clés:

Gill Weatherill; Jemma Gilson; Matt Nichols; Pardeep Biring

Les références

‘The whole team are responsive and so knowledgeable around the legal and regulatory aspects. We don’t really use other firms for clinical legal advice and the DACB team can always provide what is needed’. 

‘I think it is their responsiveness. There is no query that they cannot answer. If the person we contact doesn’t know then one of the widely experienced team will be able to help’.

‘Gill Weatherill is the partner we contact in relation to regulatory and legal issues such as CoP; no question of challenge is too much for Gill and her whole team have such a broad range of knowledge and experience’.

Principaux clients

Bradford District Care NHS Foundation Trust

Leeds and York Partnership NHS Foundation Trust

United Lincolnshire Hospitals NHS Trust

Leeds Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust

York Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust

The Rotherham NHS Foundation Trust

NHS West Yorkshire Integrated Care Board

NHS South Yorkshire Integrated Care Board

Derbyshire Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust

Barnsley Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust

Bradford Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust

Calderdale and Huddersfield NHS Foundation Trust

Airedale NHS Foundation Trust

Sheffield Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust

Hull and East Yorkshire Hospitals NHS Trust

Mid Yorkshire Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust

Harrogate NHS Foundation Trust


Doncaster and Bassetlaw Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust

Sheffield Children’s Hospital NHS Foundation Trust

NHS Commissioning Board (NHS England)

Babylon Healthcare Services

City Health Care Partnership CIC

Health Research Authority

Chesterfield Royal Hospital NHS Foundation Trust


NHS Resolution (Lots 1, 2)

North of England Commercial Procurement Collaborative (CPC)

NHS Shared Business Services (SBS)

Crown Commercial Services


NHS Digital

Principaux dossiers

  • Jointly advised and represented two NHS Trusts in Court of Protection proceedings concerning the obstetric care and treatment of a patient suffering from paranoid schizophrenia.
  • Advising and representing an NHS Trust in relation to care proceedings concerning a child with a history of challenging behaviour and self-harm and her ongoing detention in hospital.
  • Advising an acute hospital trust on the need for serious medical treatment of an adult who was assessed as not having capacity to make a decision in relation to which surgical treatment was in her best interests.

Enable Law

‘The team at Enable Law is highly specialist and able to work on complex cases.' The lawyers are ’available, approachable and knowledgeable’. The ‘hugely innovative' Stacey Bryant heads the practice, which supports clients on all aspects of their court of protection applications, hearings and orders. Areas of expertise include ruling on whether someone is able to make their own decisions, supporting on decisions relating to lasting powers of attorney, and dealing with disputes over the decisions made by an attorney or deputy. The group also offers a growing specialism in elder law, brain injury work and trusts involving incapacitated individuals. Other strengths lie in areas such as statutory wills and advising on issues of physical and financial abuse. Alison McClure and Tim Bennett are well-regarded.

Responsables de la pratique:

Stacey Bryant

Autres avocats clés:

Asha Beswetherick; Tim Bennett; Alison McClure

Les références

‘The team is large and specialist and is a leading practice in the south of England. There are not many teams that compare. Stacey Bryant and Asha Beswetherick stand out for their knowledge and for how personable they both are. They are creative and decisive’.

‘I can reach Tim Bennett by phone or e-mail and get a quick response. I am made to feel like I am part of the team. Every piece of correspondence is friendly and I always feel he listens to what I have to say or my view’. 

‘Asha Beswetherick is an excellent practitioner. Her ability to build rapport and provide a first-class service makes her stand out in her field. Stacey Bryant is extremely knowledgeable and helpful. I am comforted in the knowledge that referrals made to both Stacey and Asha will be dealt with effectively and efficiently’.

Hill Dickinson LLP

The ‘strong’ team at Hill Dickinson LLP 'is extremely experienced in COP matters and has real strength in the depth of knowledge and a number of people of real calibre’. It is a trusted advisor to private sector organisations, as well as NHS bodies. It continues to handle a variety of complex matters under the Mental Capacity Act, the Mental Health Act and the Children Acts, as well as other issues such as human rights and equality matters.  With Kiran Bhogal; Sharon Thomas and Paul Allerston at the helm of this national practice, it continues to receive a steady flow of instructions on various high-profile matters from NHS England, the ICBs and acute trusts. London-based Bhogal regularly advises clients on judicial review challenges and has represented parties in a number of significant public inquiries.

Responsables de la pratique:

Kiran Bhogal; Sharon Thomas; Paul Allerston

Autres avocats clés:

Amy Clarke; Louise Wilson; Rachel Watkinson; Rachel Kelly-Brandreth; Ben Troke; Emma Pollard

Les références

‘The Team is extremely experienced in CoP matters and has real strength in the depth of knowledge and number of people of real calibre who are there. Amy Clarke is very experienced and first rate. She knows the market well. She engages well with her healthcare clients’.

‘The team’s knowledge of the subject matter is excellent and I always have complete confidence that the advice provided is reliable’.

‘The team have supported in a number of complex court of protection matters with great success resulting in positive outcomes for the person and ultimately reputationally for the Trust’.

Principaux clients

Greater Manchester ICB

Manchester University NHS Foundation Trust

Lancashire and South Cumbria ICB

Cheshire & Merseyside ICB

Mersey Care NHS Foundation Trust

Cheshire & Wirral Partnership NHS Foundation Trust

Guy’s and St Thomas’s NHS Foundation Trust

King’s College NHS Foundation Trust

Barts Health NHS Trust

Homerton Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust

Royal Free London Hospital NHS Foundation Trust

Great Ormond Street Hospital for Children NHS Foundation Trust

Surrey Heartlands ICB

North Central London ICB

North East London ICB

Oxford University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust

Manchester City Council (Children’s Team)

Principaux dossiers

  • Acting for King’s College NHS Foundation Trust in a matter responding to the application by Mr Haastrup to lift the Reporting Restrictions Order prohibiting the medics involved in his son’s care and treatment to be named which was heard by the Court of Appeal in November 2022.

Hugh James

Tom Hall now heads the department at Hugh James. Hall joined the firm from Thomson Snell & Passmore in September 2022 and brings with him a wealth of experience in complex deputyships involving other jurisdictions. Hall is also frequently instructed to act as an expert witness on Court of Protection and deputyship costs. The team has ‘great knowledge and expertise, but at the same time is down to earth and makes everything easy to understand for clients.'  Andrew Harding is another significant member of the department. Harding is vastly experienced in assisting individuals with an acquired brain injury as well as their families. Senior associate Charlotte Fletcher is lauded for her work in property and financial affairs deputyships.

Responsables de la pratique:

Tom Hall

Autres avocats clés:

Andrew Harding; Charlotte Fletcher; Kate Coles; Joy Davies

Les références

‘They provide depth and breadth of resources as Professional Deputies. Whilst providing services they are always willing to listen to the client, our ideas and questions, as well as providing solutions themselves. They have supported us with guidance, structure, and sound feedback’.

‘Andrew Harding has provided a solid sounding board providing clear overviews of needs, opportunities and available solutions. Charlotte Fletcher is accommodating, helpful and available for day-to-day matters’.

‘They are a great team. They are all easy to get hold of. Personally, I feel they have made life so much easier for my husband. There is always someone from the team at hand to chat to when needed.’

JE Bennett Law

At JE Bennett Law, Jane Bennettas the leader of the firm, has clearly set a very high standard of company ethos and values, which filters down the spine of staff.’ It receives many plaudits for is ‘client-centred’ approach to clients who are rendered physically/mentally vulnerable either by catastrophic accident or clinical negligence injuries. It also covers elderly client-related dementia/illnesses, and mental health disorders. Bennett and new arrival to the team, Ian Macara, are both OPG national deputies. Bennett continues to act as a professional trustee in a growing number of personal injury trust cases, and her expert witness practice continues to grow. Richard Shearing and Lorna Halfpenny-Beeby are both highly regarded.

Responsables de la pratique:

Jane Bennett

Autres avocats clés:

Lorna Halfpenny-Beeby; Ian Macara; Richard Shearing; Jemma Cahan

Les références

‘JE Bennett Law, for all the years I have worked with them, continue to be client focused and uphold the highest levels of professionalism within this area of specialty. All associate and employees I liaise with are personable, knowledgeable and respond to any queries in a timely manner’.

‘Lorna Halfpenny-Beeby is passionate and enthusiastic about her clients. She is fantastic at advocating for them and gives a sense she really gets to know and understand what their bespoke needs are. Lorna is very approachable and always a delight to talk with’.

‘Jane Bennett is an experienced Court of Protection Deputy, who gives evidence on deputyship fees for both claimants and insurers. She is seen as a realistic witness rather than one who is polarised (and there are many of those). She is also straightforward to deal with and efficient’.

Principaux clients



Clyde & Co


DAC Beachcroft

CL Medilaw

Dutton Gregory

TG Baynes

Principaux dossiers

  • Assisted the Court of Protection and the Criminal Court with investigating and collating evidence of financial abuse against its client MA which was pivotal in the criminal case.
  • Acted as a panel deputy for AB and represented the client in family proceedings regarding housing and financial support, ultimately reaching agreement in its client’s best interests.
  • Appointed as panel deputy for MM who at the time lacked capacity, was homeless and was subject to a freezing injunction. It was able to lift the injunction and continue to support its client on financial and property affairs.

Kingsley Napley LLP

Kingsley Napley LLPhas a hugely experienced Court of Protection team, which complements its contentious trusts and probate team admirably’. The team, which is led by Simon Hardy primarily focuses on property and affairs matters. Its expertise also now covers health and welfare matters, including decisions regarding care arrangements, personal welfare deputyships and public funding for care. It has a caseload of over 120 regular deputyships and trusteeships. The majority of its clients lack capacity due to a catastrophic brain injury. It has also expanded into the elderly client market through Anita Gill’s role as a court of protection approved panel deputy. The team excels in contentious Court of Protection work too, particularly where there are cases involving serious allegations of fraud and financial abuse. Ryan Mowat is adept at handling these cases. Senior associate Jemma Garside is well regarded.

Responsables de la pratique:

Simon Hardy

Autres avocats clés:

Anita Gill; Ryan Mowat; Jemma Garside

Les références

‘Ryan Mowat is an absolutely stand-out individual and his versatility in being able to adapt to the demands of various sorts of litigation is impressive. He leads by example and has the support of a keen, bright and incredibly dedicated team’.

‘The Court of Protection team brings a wealth of experience to cases with a mixed property and affairs and health and welfare aspect. In particular, the team’s experience in managing deputyships and associated care issues is particularly impressive’.

‘Jemma Garside is genuine Court of Protection specialist with in-depth knowledge of all manner of property and affairs and health and welfare applications and is very good at client management’.

Miles & Partners LLP

The ‘committed, efficient and knowledgeable’ team at Miles & Partners LLP is jointly led by Rachel Turner and Floyd Porter . The specialist team regularly works on cases where there are issues of capacity, and concerns over the best interests of vulnerable adults who are unable to make fundamental health and welfare decisions themselves. It is frequently instructed by the Official Solicitor, Relevant Person’s Representatives and relatives to work on s21A cases to challenge deprivations of liberty. In addition, it is sometimes instructed to act on serious medical treatment cases. Andrew Bowmer has been promoted to the partnership and his expertise spans court of protection, housing and community care law.

Responsables de la pratique:

Rachel Turner; Floyd Porter

Autres avocats clés:

Andrew Bowmer; Kaileigh Hazeldine

Les références

‘Miles & Partners remains a leading firm both in relation to legal aid work and private practice. They have retained their strong ethos in relation to representing vulnerable clients, whilst becoming a City name for private clients’.

‘Floyd Porter is an outstanding Court of Protection solicitor with a strong sense of justice as well as a pragmatic approach’.

‘Andrew Bowmer is an excellent, experienced CoP solicitor. Kaileigh Hazeldine is personable, approachable solicitor, good client manner‘.

Penningtons Manches Cooper LLP

Penningtons Manches Cooper LLP has ‘one of the largest COP teams in the country, led by the excellent Daniel Toop’. The team receives plaudits for creating ‘very strong bonds with clients and families who trust their legal judgement’. The practice continues to be busy acting as a professional deputy or trustee for individuals in receipt of an award due to a personal injury or clinical negligence claim. Other significant work includes advising on DOLS and other welfare matters; cross-jurisdictional applications, and on applications for attorneys to make gifts for inheritance tax purposes. Julie Burton is a known name in the market. Burton regularly acts as a professional deputy for adult and children clients with complex brain injuries. These injuries have occurred as a result of personal injuries. Managing associate Grace Serwanga is another key contact.

Responsables de la pratique:

Daniel Toop

Autres avocats clés:

Julie Burton; Grace Serwanga; James Berry; Rachel Taylor

Les références

‘Daniel Toop is very forward-thinking practitioner with a keen eye for detail. Very calm and methodical in his approach when dealing with more complex matters. Julie Burton is a very experienced CoP practitioner. She has extensive skill and knowledge in this area of law’.

‘Daniel Toop is calm and reflective with a sharp legal mind and a pragmatic approach. Julie Burton is a leading practitioner in the field who wields gravitas when needed. Rachel Taylor is a very capable solicitor. Grace Serwanga is a positive addition to the growing team’.

‘The team are a pleasure to deal with. They are communicative, organised and very responsive. James Berry is very motivated and friendly’.

Rothley Law

Rothley Law has a large and dedicated property and affairs team. Charlotte Dunn, who is based at the office in Milton Keynes, is a panel deputy and a full member of STEP. Birmingham-based Lucy Taylor often acts as professional deputy in property and affairs matters. Principal associate Rebecca Bristow has a special interest in children and young adults who have suffered catastrophic brain injuries.

Responsables de la pratique:

Lucy Taylor; Charlotte Dunn

Autres avocats clés:

Rebecca Bristow; Andriy Buniak; Lauren Miner

Les références

‘The whole team work well together. Each member seems well informed and available for support when required.’

‘Lucy Taylor and Andriy Buniak are both very personable. They have a great deal of empathy in varying situations. They have both taken the time to fully get to know us as a family’.

‘I found the team responsive and accessible. They also are happy to offer support and be part of the daily decision-making process as needed’.

Russell-Cooke LLP

Russell-Cooke LLP advises on a wide array of contentious and non-contentious matters. It regularly provides specialist advice on cross-border issues, particularly those with a French element them. Gareth Ledsham heads the contentious court of protection team. Ledsham is particularly recognised for his work on matters involving overseas assets. He advises on the full range of contested mental capacity issues regarding property and financial affairs. Rita Bhargava leads the non-contentious capacity and court of protection offering. Bhargava frequently helps with the management of financial affairs for vulnerable clients and advises on personal injury trusts for those with acquired injuries.

Responsables de la pratique:

Gareth Ledsham; Rita Bhargava

Les références

‘The team acted with compassion and took the time to really understand the complex family situation. This made us feel at ease and allowed the team to build a good relationship with us’.

‘Gareth Ledsham was very knowledgeable and made us feel in good hands. He distilled a complex family situation down and provided good advice and made us feel in control’.

‘I think this team in particular has specialist Court of Protection knowledge. They really know their stuff. Rita Bhargava is empathetic and hard-working with a very pragmatic and sensible approach’.

Wrigleys Solicitors LLP

The highly professional, knowledgeable and responsive’ team at Wrigleys Solicitors LLP is co-led by Jane Netting and Lisa Eato. This specialist team is well-regarded for its court of protection work, as well as for its experience in the management of personal injury funds. It receives a steady stream of instructions in all aspects of property and financial affairs, and is skilled at providing specialist advice on community care. Its property team deals with property purchases and disability adaptations. Of note too, is the fact that it has been appointed to the Office of the Public Guardian of Deputies since June 2015. In addition, various members of the team often act as expert witnesses. Charlotte Dyson  frequently acts as a professional litigation friend in personal injury proceedings.

Responsables de la pratique:

Jane Netting; Lisa Eato

Autres avocats clés:

Charlotte Dyson

Les références

‘The Team and particularly Jane Netting are impressively proactive, dealing with urgent matters at very short notice and collating vast amounts of information to make successful statutory Will applications where life expectancy is days. They have a wide breath of knowledge in both the contentious and non contentious discipline of Court of Protection work’.

‘Jane Netting particularly is very able in statutory will applications and acting as litigation friend for minor and incapable parties. The Team has a notable reputation and kudos putting the client at the heart of their decision making under the Mental Capacity Act’.

‘Jane Netting is dedicated to her clients, focused on best interest decision making, putting her clients at the forefront of that decision making, which is informed by her experience, legal knowledge, and respect for her clients’ past and present expressed wishes and feelings’. 

Ashtons Legal

At Ashtons Legal, Adrian Mundell heads the practice which specialises in acting for clients who have suffered a catastrophic acquired or birth-related brain injury. These clients have received a damages award, or their claim is ongoing. The team then acts as their professional deputy. The practice also has a number of cases where it is supporting family members who are acting as lay deputies. Around 10% of its work is for elderly clients and those with mental health problems.

Responsables de la pratique:

Adrian Mundell

Autres avocats clés:

Debbie Holmes; Paul Humphries

Les références

‘Very experienced and efficient Court of Protection team. A joy to work with. They are approachable, responsive and make even complex matters easy for their clients to understand’.

‘Also provide excellent litigation support in civil matters where they are deputy as they understand this side of the industry and how this interconnects with their work’.

‘Paul Humphries is an excellent lawyer. Very easy to talk to, liked by clients who feel safe in his hands. Straight talking snf provides realistic advice regarding deputyship matters’.

Principaux dossiers

  • Acting in over 120 Professional Deputyships with responsibility for managing client assets valued at around £250m.
  • Acting for a minor who suffers from cerebral palsy and now lives with her family in a property that was purchased and adapted to meet her needs.
  • Acting as Deputy for a 30-year-old man whose accident at work claim had settled for £1.8m.

Attwaters Jameson Hill Solicitors

At Attwaters Jameson Hill Solicitors, Lesley-Ann Mayhewis exceptional at what she does.’ ‘She is informative, inciteful and provides a very nurturing approach to clients’. The group routinely acts as professional deputies in cases involving multi-million-pound damages awards for claimants of medical negligence. It also acts as professional deputies for vulnerable elderly people.

Responsables de la pratique:

Lesley-Ann Mayhew

Les références

‘Really warm and friendly approach. Lesley-Ann Mayhew is communicative, supportive, and very pleasant to work with’.

‘The team are responsive and easily contactable’.

‘Lesley-Ann Mayhew is interested in her client’s welfare, takes time to understand the issues at hand and provides the level of support that is required, adapting to different situations as needed’.

Bevan Brittan LLP

Bevan Brittan LLP is best known for its work in supporting public and independent sector health and social care organisations, both those which provide the care and those which fund it. Clients include the NHS, local authorities, education providers, housing associations and charities. Tim Hodgetts, Simon Lindsay and Hannah Taylor are at the helm of the department, which has a first-rate reputation for its work nationally. Areas of expertise include advising on mental capacity and mental health, safeguarding issues, and deprivation of liberty matters.

Responsables de la pratique:

Tim Hodgetts; Simon Lindsay; Hannah Taylor

Autres avocats clés:

Julia Jones; Ruth Atkinson-Wilks

Les références

‘Bevan Brittan have a collection of great lawyers with fantastic administrative back up when you need it. You know all the nitty-gritty – paperwork, bundles, and applications will be dealt with and the clients will be well-served’.

‘Hannah Taylor is a class act. Ferociously committed, hugely insightful and passionate about what she does. Simon Lindsay is a safe pair of hands: cool in a crisis, he’s seen it all. Julia Jones is experienced, professional, calm and smart’.

‘Hannah Taylor is excellent and is highly recommended particularly for medical and welfare cases’.

Principaux clients

South London and Maudsley Mental Health NHS Foundation Trust

South West London and St George’s Mental Health NHS Trust

NHS Hampshire and Isle of Wight ICB

University Hospitals Birmingham NHS Foundation Trust

Somerset NHS Foundation Trust

West London NHS Foundation Trust

Southern Health NHS Foundation Trust


Royal United Hospitals Bath NHS Foundation Trust

Avon & Wiltshire Mental Health Partnership NHS Trust

NHS Bristol, North Somerset and South Gloucestershire ICB

University Hospitals Plymouth NHS Trust

Burke Niazi Solicitors & Advocates

At Burke Niazi Solicitors & Advocates, under the joint leadership of Keith Clarke and Michael Barrett, the team is lauded for its representation of the most vulnerable members of society. It has developed from the firm’s key specialism in mental health, community care and housing. Both Clarke and Barrett are accredited legal representatives. The practice has particular expertise in welfare matters and is also regularly instructed by the Official Solicitor.

Responsables de la pratique:

Keith Clarke; Michael Barrett

Autres avocats clés:

Michael Barrett; Nicola Peacock

Les références

‘This is a firm with a strong and consistent ethical foundation. They are passionate about the work that they do and work tirelessly for social justice’.

‘They offer a full service across mental capacity law and mental health law and have some exceptionally interesting cases’.

‘The team regularly demonstrate a thorough and professional approach to the cases I have with them and an impressive knowledge of the Mental Capacity Act 2005.  They always provide clear and comprehensive advice in a timely fashion’.

Capsticks LLP

Francis Lyons leads the team at Capsticks LLP, which has a ‘comprehensive, in-depth understanding of the NHS organisations they work for across the whole legal spectrum, which permeates through into work they do in the specific Court of Protection arena’. It has considerable expertise in advising on the interaction between the Mental Health Act, the Mental Capacity Act, and the Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards for its large number of NHS and private sector clients. Amy Holden is another key figure.

Responsables de la pratique:

Francis Lyons

Autres avocats clés:

Grace Plaxton; Nadine Mansell; Anita Rao; Holly Bridden; Amy Holden; Ellie Ward; Munpreet Hundle

Les références

‘Francis Lyons is charming, unflappable and a pleasure to work with. One of the best out there for complex serious medical treatment cases Grace Plaxton. Brilliant under pressure, extremely responsive, makes the most stressful situations manageable through her calm demeanour’.

‘Francis Lyons is a superb CoP partner, knows everything about everything. Really thorough knowledge of health legislation in particular and the complete service to the health sector in terms of Court of Protection proceedings.’

‘The team at Capsticks has a great reputation for CoP welfare work. Anita Rao stands out as exceptionally dedicated to progressing cases swiftly and working collaboratively with opponents to do so’.

Principaux clients

NHS Kent & Medway Integrated Care Board

NHS South West London Integrated Care Board

NHS South East London Integrated Care Board

North Middlesex University Hospitals NHS Trust

Sandwell and West Birmingham Hospitals NHS Trust

London North West University Healthcare NHS Trust

NHS Nottingham and Nottinghamshire Integrated Care Board

NHS North West London Integrated Care Board

Royal Berkshire NHS Foundation Trust

Oxford Health NHS Foundation Trust

Hull University Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust

Northern Lincolnshire and Goole Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust

Principaux dossiers

  • Representing all Integrated Commissioning Boards in Greater London in relation to challenges to deprivations of liberty and packages of care in the Court of Protection.
  • Supporting professionals of acute hospital and mental health service providers with urgent medical treatment, with its expert knowledge of the overlap between the Mental Health Act and Mental Capacity Act.
  • Assisting COPDOL11 with providing general services to many NHS Integrated Care Boards nationally to enable them to apply for judicial authorisations of deprivations of liberty for health funded patients in the community.

Duncan Lewis Solicitors

Gillian Alysia de Freitas and Angela Sandhal co-lead the department at Duncan Lewis Solicitors, which frequently represents vulnerable clients and family members in disputes pertaining to mental capacity and best interest welfare decisions. These cases mostly relate to residence, contact, care and medical treatment. The practice is now also regularly receiving instructions to advise trust corporations and other firms of solicitors on health and social care matters.

Responsables de la pratique:

Gillian Alysia de Freitas; Angela Sandhal

Autres avocats clés:

Fernanda Stefani

Les références

‘Well established Court of Protection team that balances sensible practical advice with a thorough understanding of the jurisdiction’.

‘Angela Sandhal is able to be robust in her approach whilst being sensitive to client needs’.

‘The team is incredibly professional, friendly, reliable and always willing to offer fantastic advice on individual cases. I have found that Duncan Lewis have been incredibly responsive’. 

Principaux dossiers

  • Represented RC in his s21A and s16 challenge against his placement in a care home.
  • Represented MM in his s21A challenge against his placement in a care home.
  • Represented GB in his s21A challenge against his placement in a care home. Ultimately, her client’s DOLS was rescinded by the court and GB was able to decide where he should live.

Edwards Duthie Shamash

At the helm at Edwards Duthie Shamash is the ‘brilliantMelissa Law who is a ‘highly experienced Court of Protection practitioner, who is meticulous in her case preparation, skillful in maintaining the strategic oversight, and tenacious in securing the best possible outcome for P’. The agile team continues to be instructed in complex health and welfare cases, as well as increasingly being instructed to act as agent for the Official Solicitor in serious medical treatment cases. Laura Mannering is another name to note.

Responsables de la pratique:

Melissa Law

Autres avocats clés:

Laura Mannering; Kris Jackson; Sarah Lerner

Les références

‘The team is led by Melissa Law. I have worked most closely with Laura Mannering and Kris Jackson, both of whom are excellent. They have a team with some very experienced COP practitioners’.

‘Kris Jackson has excellent judgment. Laura Mannering is extremely experienced. She is a fantastic lawyer, with a good eye for the points that should be taken.’

‘Edwards Duthie have an excellent Court of Protection team. They are dedicated, hard-working and knowledgeable. Melissa Law is very good. She has clear analytical approach which makes her a pleasure to work with’.

Principaux clients

Office of the Official Solicitor


Advocacy for all


Anna Bond heads the department at Fieldfisher, which is praised for being ’accessible and knowledgeable’.  The group is ‘very capable of managing complicated legal and relational situations in high value brain injury cases’.  It is a specialist team with a focus on high-value, complex property and affairs deputyships for adults and children across the country. These clients have suffered life-changing catastrophic injuries as a result of serious accidents or birth trauma. On  a capitalised basis, it is currently managing in excess of £350m of client funds and other assets. Robin Tubbs is also recommended.

Responsables de la pratique:

Anna Bond

Autres avocats clés:

Robin Tubbs; Kirstie Chambers

Les références

‘Great people with full knowledge about what they are doing. Robin Tubbs, truly amazing lawyer and goes out of his way to help his clients as much as possible. Anna Bond, incredibly knowledgeable and helpful in all aspects’.

‘The people are of first class quality – very professional with vast experience. Totally responsive and excellent communicators.’

‘They are professional and with the human touch. Kirstie Chambers very friendly and always engaging with us when we have a query. Giving us different options with pros and cons and explaining in a manner that we can understand clearly’.

Gillhams Solicitors LLP

Under the joint leadership of Christopher Poxamatis and Shareen Tanvir, Gillhams Solicitors LLP currently manages 120 deputyship cases. Poxamatis, who is a panel deputy, frequently acts as a property and affairs deputy for many clients. Tanvir is experienced in dealing with a wide array of court of protection matters. She often acts for incapacitated clients through their litigation friend. In addition, she acts for family members who are involved in these proceedings, and her work covers matters relating to property and affairs as well as health and welfare.

Responsables de la pratique:

Christopher Poxamatis; Shareen Tanvir

Les références

‘They are a great team, well resourced and collaborative in their approach to teamwork internally and externally with experts. Particularly given how little information they have about the vulnerable client at the start of any new Panel Deputy case, their knowledge of the client and the records that they build up to resolve the various issues are impressive’.

‘Chris Poxamatis is an inspiring head of the Court of Protection Team. He is committed to his team’s learning and development, to the benefit of their clients’. 

‘The team are professional friendly and helpful. Availability and efficiency’.

Hodge Jones & Allen

The versatile team at Hodge Jones & Allen specialises in property and affairs deputyships. It has considerable expertise in acting for clients with large damages awards for injury claims. Practice head, Christine Dyson, oversees the firm’s 40 professional deputyship and 40 professional personal injury trusts. Patrick Allen frequently acts as a deputy and trustee for many severely brain injured children who have received substantial damages.

Responsables de la pratique:

Christine Dyson

Autres avocats clés:

Patrick Allen

Les références

‘The team are strong, organised, consistent and fair’.

‘Christine Dyson is a fantastic to have as any part of the team. She is pragmatic and strong. Her decisions are always in the client’s best interests and she holds firm despite the behaviours of the difficult clients that we share’.

‘HJA have an excellent legal team in the private client department’.

Hyphen Law

Christine Bunting and  Kelly Knight co-head the team at Hyphen Law, which is praised for providing a ‘highly personalised service. They are fully committed to their clients, often going above and beyond to meet their needs’. It is known for helping clients nationwide in receipt of substantial compensation awards as a result of severe and complex injuries. The group is skilled at helping these clients in the management of their property and affairs. In addition, it acts in various joint deputyships with lay deputies, and acts as professional trustees for personal injury trusts.

Responsables de la pratique:

Christine Bunting; Kelly Knight

Autres avocats clés:

Elizabeth Metcalfe

Les références

‘Christine Bunting and Kelly Knight are clearly very experienced and knowledgeable within their area of expertise, and this feeds through the remainder of the team. Both Christine and Kelly take a very practical approach to matters, and always available to discuss issues and explain the decisions they have reached and the reasoning for doing so’.

‘Christine Bunting and her team are, in my opinion technically very competent. They produce work within their fee and time estimates. They are pleasant to deal with, always willing to review and reconsider in the light of additional information. They are, in my experience, extremely responsive’.

‘Christine Bunting is one of the most competent COP experts I have dealt with’.


IBB Law has three Grade A fee earners – Jacqueline Almond, Russell Hallam and Elena Hall, and a Grade B fee earner, Michael Charalambous. In addition, Hallam is a member of the Office of the Public Guardian’s panel of professional deputies. It currently acts for approximately 100 clients. The team helps clients with acquired brain injuries, mental health issues, dementia, learning disabilities, alcohol and drug abuse.

Responsables de la pratique:

Jacqueline Almond; Russell Hallam

Autres avocats clés:

Michael Charalambous; Elena Hall

Les références

‘The Practice has an excellent knowledge base. Jacqueline Almond is fantastic. Her knowledge and expertise on Lasting Power of Attorney, Wills, Trusts is brilliant’.

Jacqueline’s presentation skills are excellent. Jacqueline’s presentation was brilliant. She explained such a difficult topic so clearly and concisely’.

‘The team is approachable, knowledgeable and empathetic. They work collaboratively with clients and their advisers which helps to bring good client focussed outcomes’.

Leigh Day

Newly promoted partner Anna Moore, and Amy Chater (who joined the firm from Freeths LLP ), now co-head the department at Leigh Day. The ‘hardworking, sharp and insightful’ team covers the full range of matters including health and welfare matters, and property and financial affairs. The group receives regular referrals from the Official Solicitor in matters relating to deprivation of liberty, contact, residence, and other issues such as sexual relations.

Responsables de la pratique:

Anna Moore; Amy Chater

Autres avocats clés:

Sophie Wells; Sarah Westoby

Les références

‘They are very focused on trying to understand what is best for the client. The communication between parties and professionals is excellent and it is clear that the client’s needs are being addressed at all times. Amy Chater is fully engaged, responsive, and client focused.  She is a pleasure to work with.’

’Leigh Day have a team of human rights lawyers who are able to turn their hand to complex Court of Protection cases. This is helpful as it means that their team can do collateral civil claims and public law challenges’.

‘Sophie Wells is a stand out associate who is able to engage with the most vulnerable of clients’.

Principaux dossiers

  • Acting in a significant case setting out the legal duties for children who should be taken into local authority care, due to be heard in Court of Appeal in April.
  • Acting for the mother in a case involving the withdrawal of medical treatment for her son, including persuading the court to allow the family to have one last Christmas together .
  • Acting in complex proceedings regarding whether AHK should receive a kidney transplant.

Mills & Reeve LLP

The large team at Mills & Reeve LLP has an impressive client base of acute, mental health and community trusts, as well as commissioning bodies and independent sector providers. It is skilled at advising clients on High Court inherent jurisdiction cases for children, and deprivation of liberty matters. It frequently deals with complex matters such as end of life, significant restrictions of movement and sexual relations matters. Jill Mason and Neil Ward are the heads of department.

Responsables de la pratique:

Jill Mason; Neil Ward

Autres avocats clés:

Ruth Minnis; Sarah Garrood; Samuel Lindsay; Kirstie Lennox

Les références

‘Mills and Reeve have great knowledge in respect of NHS providers be they commissioners or those providing treatments. Ruth Minnis is hyper efficient’.

‘Responsive, large enough so if someone is on leave, cases are still progressed. Manages several cases for us at a time. Able to summarise issues clearly. Sarah Garrood is particularly helpful’.

‘The team have always been supportive and extremely knowledgeable and have provided support and guidance way and above’.

Principaux clients

Portsmouth Hospitals University NHS Trust

NHS Staffordshire and Stoke-on-Trent Integrated Care Board

NHS Leicester, Leicestershire and Rutland Integrated Care Board

NHS Black Country Integrated Care Board

NHS Herefordshire and Worcestershire Integrated Care Board

NHS Derbyshire Community Health Services NHS Foundation Trust

South Warwickshire University NHS Foundation Trust

Black Country Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust

NHS Norfolk and Waveney Integrated Care Board

Coventry and Warwickshire Partnership NHS Trust

NHS Coventry and Warwickshire Integrated Care Board

NHS Hertfordshire and West Essex Integrated Care Board

NHS Bedfordshire, Luton and Milton Keynes Integrated Care|Board

NHS Mid and South Essex Integrated Care Board

NHS Shropshire, Telford and Wrekin Integrated Care Board

NHS Birmingham and Solihull Integrated Care Board

NHS North West London Integrated Care Board

NHS Derby and Derbyshire Integrated Care Board

NHS Cambridgeshire and Peterborough Integrated Care|Board


At MJC Law, ‘there is a huge depth of knowledge and experience across the founding partners, who provide a robust and tenacious offering to clients’. Conor Maguire ;Kate Jackson and Lauren Crow spearhead the department, which specialises in court of protection (health and welfare) matters, alongside community care and mental health work. It regularly represents clients through their litigation friend, the Official Solicitor or other professional litigation friend services.

Responsables de la pratique:

Conor Maguire; Kate Jackson; Lauren Crow

Autres avocats clés:

Rosie Banks; Ashley Bradley

Les références

‘Connor Maguire, Lauren Crow and Kate Jackson are all known for their experience, tenacity and ability to achieve results for their clients. They are extremely knowledgeable, independent minded’.

‘A collection of seriously experienced Court of Protection solicitors supported by an enthusiastic group of young lawyers. Kate Jackson is a force of nature and takes no prisoners when it comes to putting forward her client’s case. Lauren Crow is charming and clever’.

‘MJC is an excellent niche firm working almost exclusively in Court of Protection and related fields of mental health and community care. Its specialist team is strong at every level’.

Simpson Millar LLP

Led by Melanie Varey, the agile team at Simpson Millar LLP has considerable expertise in the full range of property and affairs, as well as health and welfare work. It frequently acts as a professional deputy, and also provides a full range of support to lay deputies and families. Varley, who has ‘bundles of experience’, specialises in complex cases concerning capacity and sexual relations, and is regularly instructed by the Official Solicitor. Kate Edwards is now at Fletchers Solicitors.

Responsables de la pratique:

Melanie Varey

Autres avocats clés:

Aimee Last; Jamie Gordon; Caroline Hurst

Les références

‘Really talented, dedicated team with excellent knowledge of both property and affairs and health and welfare’.

‘The solicitors at this firm are extremely knowledgeable and experienced in Court of Protection law and procedure. They are genuinely invested in each client they represent, and this is clear in their diligent preparation of case.’

‘Aimee Last has considerable knowledge of Court of Protection law and procedure’.

Switalskis Solicitors

Switalskis Solicitors fields a well-established and ‘strong’ team, which is renowned for dealing with complex mental capacity and welfare cases. It also handles deprivation of liberty challenges in the court of protection, alongside community care challenges. It is frequently instructed by the Official Solicitor. Head of department, Alison Kaye, has extensive experience of dealing with complex cases revolving around issues of consent to sexual relationships and deprivation of liberty. Michael Kennedy specialises in mental health and mental capacity law.

Responsables de la pratique:

Alison Kaye

Autres avocats clés:

Michael Kennedy; Leesa Hullah

Les références

‘Switalskis are leaders in the field. The quality of their health and welfare work is extremely impressive. They attract instructions in interesting and complex matters including serious medical treatment cases’.

‘They have an excellent relationship with the Official Solicitor’s office and regularly receive instructions from the Official Solicitor’.

‘They are extremely knowledgeable, efficient and excellent at developing rapports with clients. They are dedicated and committed to upholding the human rights of people with disabilities, who lack capacity’.

Principaux dossiers

  • Assisted in a case regarding a young woman with learning disabilities who was removed from the home she shared with her partner after he carried out a violent attack on her. The court decided it was not in her best interests to have unsupervised contact with her partner.
  • Assisted in a case regarding a residential care patient with schizophrenia who has been subjected to a host of allegations by her mother. Injunctions are now in place against the mother. The matter is now listed in the High Court.

Warners Solicitors

Martin Terrell  has an excellent reputation for his work at Warners Solicitors. The team covers the full range of deputyship matters. It frequently acts for the elderly (including wealthy clients and those on benefits), and those who have received damages through brain injuries. The versatile team works on contentious and non-contentious matters, and deals with diverse matters such as lasting powers of attorneys and trusts. It is skilled at advising on other related issues such as tax, welfare benefits and funding issues.

Responsables de la pratique:

Martin Terrell

Les références

‘Martin Terrell has a detailed knowledge of the area’.

Very understanding and really put you at ease with their professional but friendly approach‘.

‘Deep knowledge of Court of Protection matters and the MCA 2005. Friendly and responsive partners and associates‘.

Weightmans LLP

Weightmans LLP fields an excellent national team, which covers a wide range of health & welfare, as well as property & financial affairs matters. It acts for a large number of local authorities, NHS Trusts and private health and social care providers. Areas of expertise span advising on consent to medical treatment, the overlap between the Mental Health Act/Mental Capacity Act, and issues surrounding safeguarding. At the helm are Simon GoacherRichard JollyRichard Bate and Sarah Louise Walker.

Responsables de la pratique:

Simon Goacher; Richard Jolly; Richard Bate; Sarah Louise Walker

Autres avocats clés:

Morris Hill

Les références

‘Very experienced across a range of Court of Protection issues. Morris Hill’.

‘What makes this team unique is that many of them have had prior experience of working for local authorities which means they are uniquely aware of how local authorities work and the legal issues we face’. 

‘Morris Hill is always very knowledgeable and approachable. He is comfortable with the most complex of cases and always gives useful and practical legal advice’.

Principaux clients

The Christie NHS Foundation Trust

Manchester University NHS Foundation Trust

Derbyshire County Council

Gateshead MBC

Stoke-on-Trent City Council

Wigan MBC

Wakefield MBC

Kirklees MBC

Leeds City Council

Cheshire West & Chester Council

Principaux dossiers

  • Acts on behalf of The Christie NHS Foundation Trust in relation to a patient with cancer. P lacks capacity to make decisions in relation to his treatment and he requires surgery otherwise he has a very poor prognosis.
  • Acts on behalf of Manchester University NHS Foundation Trust in ongoing Court of Protection proceedings concerning a patient that lacks capacity in relation to his care and support needs and residence.
  • Acts on behalf of Manchester University NHS Foundation Trust in Court of Protection proceedings concerning P who had an acquired brain injury. He was a patient on the Trust’s rehabilitation unit and had reached his rehabilitation potential.

Freeths LLP

The majority of Freeths LLP ’clients are brain injured and have received multi-million-pound compensation awards. It also has considerable experience of working with elderly clients. The group is particularly skilled at handling welfare work, as well as property and affairs matters. Natasha Molloy and Melanie Williams co-head the department. Williams and Jane Maitland are both appointed to the Office of the Public Guardian’s Panel of Deputies.

Responsables de la pratique:

Natasha Molloy; Melanie Williams

Autres avocats clés:

Jane Maitland; Navada Ward

Les références

‘Melanie Williams is the head of the team. Melanie has been appreciative, I believe, of our collaborative approach and I feel we work well together in solving issues that arise’.

‘Melanie Williams is an experienced and highly capable practitioner’.

‘I have worked with the CoP team for many years and am always impressed with their dedication and particular attention to detail’.

JMW Solicitors LLP

JMW Solicitors LLP fields an agile team which manages assets at a value of approximately £750m, plus property for around 900 children and vulnerable adult clients. Key names to note are Manchester-based Megan Christie-Copeland, and Kiran Vasudeva who is at the London office.

Responsables de la pratique:

Megan Christie-Copeland; Kiran Vasudeva

Autres avocats clés:

Rebecca Brown; Andrew Cusworth

Les références

‘Rebecca Brown is experienced and sensible, providing detailed and sound advice on Court of Protection and Deputyship costs in clinical negligence proceedings. She is my ‘go to’ advisor for this type of work’.

‘The team as a whole are very accommodating, friendly and client driven. They go above and beyond to assist you and always put the clients’ best interests first’.

‘The individuals I have dealt with from JMW Solicitor have been very knowledgeable and experienced with excellent expertise in our field. They are organised and honest and transparent. Always getting back to you in reasonable time and answering any questions that have been asked’.

Lanyon Bowdler

Led by Neil Davies, the deputyship team at Lanyon Bowdler is praised for its ‘strength in depth' and being 'a safe pair of hands’. The practice deals with a range of complex property and affairs matters, as well as receiving instructions on welfare cases. The department manages approximately 60 deputyships and trusts with assets in excess of £120m.

Responsables de la pratique:

Neil Davies

Autres avocats clés:

Lucy Speed

Les références

‘Neil Davis is very experienced and approachable. He always has the clients’ best interests at the heart of his work’.

‘I think the team members are friendly and approachable which is an important feature for professionals, clients and their families. Neil always makes himself available for zoom meetings and contribute to discussions constructively’.

‘Neil Davies is calm and professional in his approach and is always clear and concise in his feedback regarding CoP matters. He is very clear about the information he would need to see in order to consider a purchase and is thorough in his feedback if declined’.

Principaux dossiers

  • Acting as professional deputy for a large number of families affected by the Shrewsbury & Telford Hospitals NHS Trust enquiry and consequent Ockenden Report.
  • Acted for daughter of JX seeking emergency injunction to prevent mother’s removal from care home.
  • Acted for Bespoke Health & Social Care Ltd in proceedings brought by CCG concerning the care and residence of young person with complex behaviour, learning disability and autism.

RWK Goodman

The ‘collaborative, approachable and empathetic’ team at RWK Goodman, is led by Tracy Norris-Evans, Maria Meek , Sara Isenberg and Louise Nettle. It advises on all aspects of court of protection work, whether assisting lay clients, or acting as professional deputy /attorney for incapacitated individuals.

Responsables de la pratique:

Tracy Norris-Evans; Maria Meek; Sara Isenberg; Louise Nettle

Autres avocats clés:

Eirian Hitchmough

Les références

‘They genuinely care and put the end client’s needs and wishes at the centre of everything. They take such a personal approach to it. They take the time to really know the important points such as the wishes of their client (e.g. on a deputy case), the views of the family, and so on’. 

‘The team are great – in particular Sara Isenberg, who is in my opinion, just immense. I’ve been blown away with the care and attention she places in her work. She knows the answers there and then – no looking things up and coming back to you’.

‘Maria Meek and Eirian Hitchmough from RWK Goodman are amazing’.

TV Edwards Solicitors LLP

TV Edwards Solicitors LLP has ‘very committed lawyers who are able to give sound legal advice and manage clients with challenging cases with ease’. It is co-led by Jacky Starling and Katie Brown. The group has particular expertise in dealing with matters of abuse, neglect and deprivations of liberty.

Responsables de la pratique:

Jacky Starling; Katie Brown

Autres avocats clés:

Monica Kreel; Nilufer Ozdemir

Les références

‘Monica Kreel is meticulous in her careful examination and analysis of the written evidence. In meetings she is highly effective at uncovering concealed facts. She can be relied upon to keep the case process on track when the other legal teams are struggling to do so. Her diligence and commitment are exemplary’.

‘I find that the Court of Protection team prepare cases with considerable care and regard to vulnerable clients’ interests. Further, I find they take a pragmatic approach to cases, often proposing sensible methods of taking cases forward’.

‘The individuals in the Court of Protection team have considerable experience in welfare work and they bring their knowledge of related areas such as housing and community care to Court of Protection cases, which is of great assistance’. 

Ward Hadaway LLP

Under the leadership of Lisa Evans, Nicola Richardson and Georgina Rowley, the team at Ward Hadaway LLP, frequently advises on a wide array of matters such as section 21A challenges to deprivations of liberty, and applications to limit or withdraw treatment. It has specialist expertise in all aspects of the Mental Capacity Act, and on its interface with the Mental Health Act.

Responsables de la pratique:

Lisa Evans; Nicola Richardson; Georgina Rowley

Les références

‘What sets Ward Hadaway’s Court of Protection team out from any other is their willingness to provide prompt support for their clients, with different skill sets within the team and the wider organisation which they do draw on if needed’.

‘They are always realistic and practical and keen to find a solution, just as we are. I don’t need to spend time explaining how we work, they just “get it”’.

‘Georgina Rowley has helped me with complex cases, and she has the ability to independently and robustly enter the room and provide very authoritative advice and representation. Georgina was clearly able to explain processes and procedures to me and others’.

Principaux clients

North Cumbria Integrated Care NHS Foundation Trust

North East and North Cumbria ICB

NHS South Tyneside CCG

County Durham and Darlington

SH Foundation Trust

South Tyneside and Sunderland NHS Foundation Trust

Gateshead Health NSH Foundation Trust

Hartlepool and Stockton-On-Tees CCG

South East London ICB

Tees Esk and Wear Valleys NHS Foundation Trust

North East Commissioning Services

Tees Valley Clinical Commissioning Group

Newcastle Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust

Cornwall Partnership NHS Foundation Trust

Sheffield Children’s Hospital NHS Foundation Trust

Great Western Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust

Dorset University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust

Royal Cornwall Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust