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Frédéric Saffroy

Frédéric Saffroy

Alerion, France

Département de travail

Compliance and Regulatory | Data Privacy | Commercial Law | Aerospace & Defense


Partner in Compliance and Regulatory, Data Privacy, Commercial Law and Aerospace & Defense


Member of the Paris Bar since 1995, Frédéric joined Alerion in 2010, after heading the Commercial & IP practice of Squire Patton Boggs' Paris office (ex-Hammonds) for ten years.



Membre de

He is an associate researcher at The Northern Institute of Historical Research - Institut de recherches historiques du Septentrion IRHiS (Lille). Frédéric is a referee researcher at the French Defence Archives - Service historique de la Défense (SHD). He is a member of the French Association of Air and Space Law - l'Association française de droit aérien et spatial (SFDAS) - and of the International Institute of Space Law (IISL). He provides training sessions at the French Institute for Advanced Studies in National Defence - Institut des Hautes Etudes de la Défense Nationale IHEDN - focusing mostly on Export Control, Data protection and Cybersecurity.


He graduated from Sciences Po (Ecofi 1991) and holds a PhD in History (Sciences Po 2011).
