
Pauline de Lanzac

Pauline de Lanzac

Département de travail

Competition, Regulation & distribution




Admitted to the Paris Bar in 1999 and to the Czech Bar in 2000, Pauline de Lanzac is specialized in competition law: she assists private and public clients, whether as a legal advisor or in litigation before French and EU competition authorities. Her expertise notably includes anti-competitive practices, state aids and concentrations. Pauline worked with the firm Jeantet Associés in Paris and with CMS Cameroun McKenna in Prague; she joined Latournerie Wolfrom Avocats in 2004.


French, English

Membre de

Pauline de Lanzac was admitted to the Paris Bar in 1999 and to the Czech Bar in 2000.


HEC (Master of Science in Management) Master’s degree in Business and Tax Law (Université Paris II – Assas)