Exceptionally experienced former City litigator now practising as a full time Independent Mediator. Regularly appointed to mediate all manner of complex Commercial, Corporate, Investor, Partnership and Financial Disputes such as:
A Shareholder Dispute between a private equity fund with a controlling interest in a publicly owned luxury fashion brand and the founder of the brand over the interpretation and enforceability of an agreement to sell the founder’s minority interest
Deadlocked Private Company equally owned by the founders who could not agree on the future strategy resolved by a staged redistribution of equity and a split of the business
Partnership Dispute between an international firm and a former partner claiming damages for misrepresentation, breach of duty of good faith and duress following an agreed termination on terms, which they subsequently discovered, were less favourable than those offered to others
Liquidator and Creditor disputing a substantial proof of debt related to an alleged Carousel VAT fraud perpetrated on the creditor
Investors in an African State in dispute relating to a claim for compensation for expropriation of their investments
Bank Business Support unit being sued by shareholders of a business financed by the bank and put into liquidation following a financial review of the business undertaken by a firm of accountants allegedly without authorityCarrière
CMS Cameron McKenna 1987 - 2018
Head of Commercial Litigation at CMS 1996 - 2017
Non-executive Director of CEDR 2002 - 2011
Chair/Member of CIArb Practice & Standards Committee 2012 - 2018
CPR European Advisory Board 2014 - 2018
LexisNexis Editorial Advisory Boards 2015 -2018
CIArb London Branch Committee 2017 - 2018
Membre de
American Bar Association
In Place of Strife, The Mediation Chambers
International Bar Association
Law Society
LLM Advance Litigation (with distinction) 1996
CEDR Accredited Mediator 2001
Solicitor Advocate Higher Court (Civil Proceedings) 2002
PG Dip International Arbitration 2009
Fellowship Chartered Institute of Arbitrators 2011