Firms To Watch: Family: mediation

At Laurus, William Hogg is praised for his ‘incredible people skills’ and for being ‘very adept at getting couples to work together. He is a very accomplished mediator and can be firm when needed, whilst also having the ability to meet children and deal with the most sensitive issues.
Specialist family firm Lowry Legal made a notable hire in September 2023 with the addition of 'calm, empathetic and knowledgeable' family mediator Michelle Uppal from Miles & Partners LLP - she is 'kind to clients and cares for them, but always gives it to them straight. She is wise and far-seeing - clients like her and will travel with her'.
At Edward Cooke Family Law, Edward Cooke is ‘hardworking, hugely bright, creative and keen to resolve things for clients. If there is resolution to find, Edward will find it. He stands out as a real star.’

Family: mediation in London

Family Law in Partnership Ltd

Family Law in Partnership Ltd is praised for its ‘ability to create an environment where clients feel safe and able to express themselves’. Its commitment to mediation lies at the core of the firm. The excellent practice fields a number of leading mediators such as the ‘reassuringDominic Raeside who is a ‘brilliant children mediator with years of experience’. Raeside offers sole and co-mediation and is qualified to offer child inclusive mediation, hybrid mediation and civil/commercial mediation. James Pirrie has an ‘ability to easily build a rapport with clients’ – he is a senior mediator, who is also qualified in child inclusive mediation and in commercial & hybrid mediation. David Allison has senior mediator status with the Family Mediators Association. Also recommended is Ruth Smallacombe, who is a senior accredited mediator and counsellor, practice consultant and trainer of mediators, lawyers and therapists. Elizabeth Fletcher’s practice covers all family law issues, although more recently her work has had a particular focus on children matters.

Autres avocats clés:

Dominic Raeside; David Allison; Elizabeth Fletcher; James Pirrie; Ruth Smallacombe; Nicole Phillips

Les références

‘James has a very approachable and down to earth manner. He is hugely knowledgeable in family law and relays this in a way that assists in the mediation’.

‘ James has huge amounts of energy! Indefatigable – which in the context of working in a mediation is a key requirement. He is very personable- clients love him and more importantly they trust his input’.

‘Liz Fletcher is very skilled in financial matters in particular. She allows participants time to evaluate all the options which she explains clearly to them’.

Russell-Cooke LLP

Russell-Cooke LLP has one of the best family mediation teams in London. They have a real depth of talent. They are a committed and innovative team’. It has a strong focus on ADR. James Carroll is a key member of this ‘forward thinking and collaborative team’. Carroll is ‘encyclopaedic in his knowledge of the law, and a brilliant strategist who is easily able to translate these skills into his mediation practice’. The team offers sole mediation, co-mediation, hybrid and shuttle mediation, with or without solicitors. The ‘highly ratedFiona Read has recently qualified to offer child inclusive mediations. Read is an accredited family mediator and a member of Family Mediation Council. Kate Hamilton is a trained Resolution mediator. Hamilton regularly mediates on high-net-worth cases and cases with conflict.

Responsables de la pratique:

Fiona Read; James Carroll; Kate Hamilton

Autres avocats clés:

Emma Wager

Les références

‘James Carroll is calm, measured and brilliant with clients‘.

‘James Carroll is fantastic. He is utterly committed to constructive dispute resolution. He is a skilled and truly imaginative mediator. He gets results in the most complex and intractable cases’.

‘Kate Hamilton is impressive. Down to earth and sensible but clever and skilled at finding solutions. Fiona Read is a stalwart of the London mediation scene. She is incredibly bright and thoroughly constructive. A true star!’.

Anthony Gold Solicitors LLP

The mediation practice at Anthony Gold Solicitors LLP ‘is a strong and reputable team. The firm’s mediation practice has gone from strength to strength and is headed up by strong leading solicitors’. The department is well respected for its mediation work, involving complex finance and children matters, which can be child-inclusive and/or cross-jurisdictional. Kim Beatson has a busy mediation practice. Most of her referrals come from other family lawyers. David Emmerson has a mixed practice between court work, mediation and a collaborative practice. Emerson specialises in complex finance and children cases as well as cohabitation and pre-nuptial work. Caroline Bowden is an experienced mediator whose work spans from dealing with the finances of high-net-worth clients to complex children work. Nazia Rashid departed in September 2022.

Responsables de la pratique:

Kim Beatson

Autres avocats clés:

Caroline Bowden; David Emmerson; Fiona Lyon

Les références

‘Anthony Gold has an enormously talented group of individuals of all seniorities. They really go the extra mile with each case providing a magic circle level of care, but without the hefty price tag’.

‘David Emmerson and Kim Beatson- between them, their breadth of knowledge is extraordinary. They are supported in particular by Fiona Lyon’.

‘Kim Beatson. She is pragmatic, commercially minded and has 40 years of experience. She can settle the unsettle-able case!. Fiona Lyon. She is particularly good with managing the toxic cases that looks incapable of mediation’.

Charles Russell Speechlys LLP

At Charles Russell Speechlys LLP, Sarah Anticoni  is a ‘mediator of stellar calibre’. She continues to receive a steady flow of referrals from major law firms and counsel. She has a particular emphasis on mediating on complex financial claims upon divorce and on future arrangements for children for HNW clients. Anticoni has considerable experience of drafting nuptial agreements and is also a Fellow of the IAFL. In addition, she is recognised for her specialist knowledge of the recognition and dissolution of religious as well as civil marriages. James Freeman heads the department.

Responsables de la pratique:

James Freeman

Autres avocats clés:

Sarah Anticoni; Sarah Higgins

Les références

‘Charles Russell is known for its constructive approach to family law which makes the team ideally placed to offer mediation’.

‘The family team at charles russell are excellent and their expertise is superb’.

‘Sarah Anticoni is one of the best mediators in family law. Her wealth of experience enables her to be firm but fair, and to manage even the most challenging of separating couples’.

Family Law Partners

Family Law Partners ‘offers not only the best in litigation but also the full remit of alternatives to going to court coupled with a comprehensive counselling therapy and well-being space. Truly a team who can offer a “good divorce”.’ It has an abundance of talent where the lawyers offer ‘a holistic approach to divorce and separation enabling clients to move on from an emotional and difficult process with clarity and confidence‘. Gemma Hope is a member of the Family Mediation Council and is an accredited mediator. Kate Elliott has an excellent practice – she qualified as a mediator in 2019 and is working towards accreditation. Sarah Jelly is also well-regarded and can provide statutory Mediation Information and Assessment Meetings. Hazel Manktelow is also a child-inclusive mediator.

Autres avocats clés:

Kate Elliott; Gemma Hope; Polly Dallyn; Emily Pain; Hazel Manktelow; Jayne Llewellyn; Alice Scambler

Les références

‘Kate Elliott ‘lowered the temperature’ in an incredibly acrimonious environment, and she very calmly, but firmly, drew the parties back in to focus on the key issues in dispute. It was remarkable’.

‘Hazel is an excellent mediator who brings her warm personality and common sense attitude together with vast legal background experience to the mediation process. Clients are in a safe pair of hands with Hazel’.

‘Polly Dallyn-phenomenally hardworking and intelligent, Polly brings clarity to the most complicated cases. Her attention to detail often makes all the difference to the outcome of client’s cases‘.

Goodman Ray

Goodman Ray has ‘strength and depth in mediators’. Trudi Featherstone and Thomas Brownrigg are praised for providing a ‘first-class mediation service’. Featherstone is a Resolution trained family mediator who can mediate on all issues (children and financial matters) and a collaboratively trained lawyer. She specialises in the financial aspects of divorce and separation. In addition, she is skilled at advising on private law children matters. Brownrigg has been accredited by the Family Mediation Council to undertake ‘All Issues’ Mediation, and is also a child-inclusive mediator. He conducts mediation for a variety of individuals on both children and financial issues.

Autres avocats clés:

Trudi Featherstone; Thomas Brownrigg

Les références

‘Trudi Featherstone is a fantastic mediator with a real empathy for clients and desire to do her absolute best to reach resolution for them’.

‘Goodman Ray manage to combine expert legal knowledge with a really human approach to cases which clients appreciate so much’.

‘Thomas Brownrigg is technically brilliant with a fine attention to detail. Speaks with calmness and authority that sets the clients at ease’.

Hunters Law LLP

At Hunters Law LLP, Henry Hood and Jo Carr-West make up a ‘strong and well-regarded team’. They are praised for approaching mediation ‘as a genuine form of dispute resolution outside of court’. Hood is accredited as a mediator by both the Law Society and the Family Mediation Council. He receives mediation referrals for complex financial cases from other leading London lawyers. In addition, he is an Accredited Resolution Specialist in advanced financial provision and private children law. Carr-West is noted for her experience in complex high value financial remedy work and has a well-developed child mediation practice.

Autres avocats clés:

Henry Hood; Jo Carr-West

Les références

‘Jo Carr-West has developed a strong practice in mediation. Highly relatable, I have had good feedback from clients I have referred to her’.

‘They are a technically competent, highly skilled team who actually work as a team. They have some talented stars rising among the ranks as well as the unflappable Henry Hood leading from the front. From personal experience, I can say that their client care is second to none’.

‘Jo Carr-West is a competent, calm and balanced mediator’.

Kingsley Napley LLP

Kingsley Napley LLP has ‘a superb team led by the magnificent Charlotte Bradley . She inspires and unites her team to do great work’.  Bradley is described as ‘the epitome of how a family mediator should perform’. She is an accredited mediator, mediating in high value, high profile and complex financial disputes. In addition, she regularly mediates as a hybrid mediator. Connie Atkinson who ‘gets the clients on board to find solutions that work for the whole family’ is also recommended. Lauren Evans is a mediator with particular experience in complex financial and children cases. Stacey Nevin is also highly regarded.

Responsables de la pratique:

Charlotte Bradley

Autres avocats clés:

Connie Atkinson; Lauren Evans; Stacey Nevin

Les références

‘Hugely talented team with depth and breadth that is hard to beat. Charlotte Bradley has outstanding and clear thinking judgment. Hugely supportive of her clients – she has a very loyal following’.

‘The mediation team operates against the background of a large and very experienced family law team. This provides them with a depth of understanding and experience in the field of mediation. The mediators are highly experienced, hands-on and pragmatic’.

‘ Charlotte brings to bear a great depth of experience in family law. Arising from this she has invaluable judgement as to the shape and likely future of a case. Thus, as a mediator, she can fulfil her role in an informed context’.

Levison Meltzer Pigott

Levison Meltzer Pigott has a busy mediation practice. Simon Pigott is a family mediator who deals with all issues mediation (finances and child arrangements) and regularly works on high-net-worth cases with international elements. In addition, he is regularly asked to mediate on private children law matters, including leave to remove, relocation and other complicated children matters. Kate Stovold recently qualified as a mediator.

Responsables de la pratique:

Simon Pigott

Autres avocats clés:

Kate Stovold

Les références

‘Simon Pigott is excellent’.

‘They truly are exceptional. Leaders in the field. They have the upmost integrity’.

‘Simon Pigott is one of the best mediators in the country’.

Mills & Reeve LLP

Mills & Reeve LLP has the only truly national family law team. The London family mediation team is first rate. They are talented and solution focused; able to handle the most complex mediations.’ Alison Bull heads the firm’s family non-court dispute resolution practice. Bull is an accredited family and civil mediator, a hybrid mediator and a professional practice consultant. Suzanne Kingston is hugely respected and also has expertise in family arbitrations. Joanna Grandfield is another highly-regarded member of the ‘very impressive team‘. Tim Whitney was recently promoted to the partnership.

Responsables de la pratique:

Alison Bull; Suzanne Kingston

Autres avocats clés:

Tim Whitney; Joanna Grandfield; Caitlin Jenkins

Les références

‘Joanne Grandfield is superb. She is clever and articulate and is seemingly able to find solutions for clients in the most complex and challenging cases. A true star of the London mediation scene’.

‘Suzanne Kingston has been at the top of the mediation profession for decades. She handles the most complex cases and is at the top of her game! Tim Whitney is also excellent’.

‘Suzanne Kingston and Joanne Grandfield stand out as excellent mediators in their field. Suzanne is an extremely robust and pragmatic mediator with enormous amounts of empathy. Joanne is brilliant with next gen clients who need directive mediation and on difficult children matters’.

Moore Barlow

At Moore Barlow, Karen Barham ‘is a phenomenal, market-leading mediator who has built up quite an empire in her Surrey enclave’. The firm’s non-court dispute resolution offering is strong with four mediators. Barham is a full-time mediator in both finance and children cases. She receives many plaudits and ‘is a very strong mediator who is empathetic and supportive of clients in the mediation process’. She is also a parenting coordinator and is qualified to meet with children in child inclusive mediation. Joanna Farrands is the practice head.

Responsables de la pratique:

Joanna Farrands

Autres avocats clés:

Karen Barham; Jan Galloway

Les références

‘Karen Barham is an imaginative and brilliant mediator bringing a real talent to solving difficult and challenging family breakdowns. She has a real knack of taking clients with her’.

‘Karen Barham is an excellent, experienced mediator – one of the best in the Surrey area’.

‘Karen Barham- she is equipped with humour, staying power, wisdom, experience, authority but she also engages at a deep level and I think ensures that people feel properly understood. I have sent her some truly monstrous cases for resolution and they keep bobbing to the surface!’.


Lisa Pepper, Bridget Thompson, Lauren Hall, Andrew Watson, David Leadercramer and Mark Freedman are Resolution trained lawyer mediators that can be found at Osbornes. Pepper and Thompson are also accredited mediators. Pepper, in particular, has a busy mediation practice – she undertakes Skype and Shuttle mediations as well face to face mediations. In addition, she is experienced in running private ADRs and receives a steady flow of referrals from other professionals (such as barristers and solicitors) as well as previous clients.

Responsables de la pratique:

Lisa Pepper

Autres avocats clés:

Bridget Thompson; Lauren Hall, Andrew Watson, David Leadercramer; Mark Freedman

Les références

‘Lisa Pepper- she has a great combination of skills. She is empathetic, approachable and calm, and has good legal judgment. She inspires confidence and trust’.

‘Lisa Pepper is an outstanding mediator. She gets results in very difficult cases. She works extremely hard to get a good outcome for clients who mediate with her and always brings her professional experience to bear in an appropriate way’.

‘Lisa Pepper is robust, competent and knowledgeable and is always keen to try and help parties settle without intervention of the court’.

Thomson Snell & Passmore

Thomson Snell & Passmore has a thriving mediation practice which continues to receive referrals from large local firms and some London firms. Kirstie Law is one of the few practitioners locally who is qualified to directly consult with children as part of the mediation process. She is an ‘all issues mediator’ (including children and finances) and is also accredited. In addition, she is a trained collaborative lawyer. Desmond O’Donnell is another key figure – he is a mediator and trained collaborative law solicitor. He mediates on all family law issues (finances and children). Joanna Pratt heads the department.

Responsables de la pratique:

Joanna Pratt

Autres avocats clés:

Kirstie Law; Desmond O’Donnell

Withers LLP

Withers LLP‘ has great strength in depth. The full service practice means they can offer a holistic service for their clients.’ The family mediation practice forms part of the large and strong family law team. Three of its partners – Suzanne Todd, Claire Blakemore and Diana Parker  – are all experienced and highly regarded mediators. Todd is the ‘go to’ lawyer in London for all divorces with an Italian theme. Blakemore mediates on both financial and children issues and has substantial  international expertise.  In addition, she has a strong understanding of trust law.

Responsables de la pratique:

Suzanne Todd

Autres avocats clés:

Claire Blakemore; Diana Parker

Les références

‘Suzanne Todd  is hard-working and human in great balance with her clients – she will move mountains for her clients. Very experienced and humble too’.

Diana is a class act. She is elegant and considered in her approach, cuts to the chase and will help steer clients effectively to positive outcomes as quickly and simply as possible’.

Claire is always at great pains to aim for a collaborative approach. She is sensitive to clients needs, thoughtful about the pressure points and thorough in all that she does. She likes to leave no stone unturned’.

Burgess Mee

At Burgess Mee, the ‘excellent’ Peter Burgess  is sought after for his wide range of experience in cases involving both finance and children. He is an FMC accredited mediator and has also undertaken the hybrid mediation course. In addition, he has been recently instructed on several mediations with clients wanting to prepare parenting plans. He has also been made a fellow of the International Academy of Matrimonial Lawyers.

Autres avocats clés:

Peter Burgess

Les références

‘Peter is an experienced mediator who regularly works on cases involving both property and finance and children matters’.

‘While very competent as a sole mediator, Peter is also a great collaborator and brings together other professionals, such as children specialists, psychologists and accountants, to ensure that he offers the best possible service to his clients’.

‘Peter has a high degree of emotional intelligence, which enables him to empathise and deal sensitively with his clients. He is also diligent and well-organised, which ensures that his mediation practice offers clients a really excellent service’.

Jones Nickolds

Rachel Woodd is a phenomenal mediator’ at Jones Nickolds. She is an accredited mediator and is trained to undertake integrated mediation as well as the new two client one lawyer model. She often receives referrals from central London law firms as well as those in the Kent. In addition, she mediates in all family matters, financial and children. Her specialty is dealing with particularly acrimonious couples and those with complex relationships and issues.

Autres avocats clés:

Rachel Woodd

Les références

‘Jones Nickolds is an excellent firm: they offer a central London service without the central London price tag. It is without doubt the market leader for family law in Kent and its surrounds – and with a significant presence in central London too’.

‘Rachel Woodd is the ‘go-to’ mediator at Jones Nickolds. Rachel is a truly exceptional mediator, and has carved out a niche combining her day-to-day practice as a solicitor with a burgeoning mediation practice’. 

‘The mediation team at Jones Nickolds is fantastic. Rachel Woodd is exceptional, she has the gravitas of a senior and well known family solicitor coupled with a warmth and empathy and intuitive understanding as to how to make mediation work’.