Saudi Arabia

Abdulaziz Bin Ali Law Firm


Al Othman Lawyers and Consultants Co

Al Tamimi & Company
Alburhan Law Firm
AlGhazzawi & Partners
Alhaqban Law Firm
Ali Bin Abdullah Bin Ali Law Firm

Alsaleh, Alsahi & Partners Law Firm

Alshareef & Partners


Baker Botts L.L.P.

Baker McKenzie LLP

Batic Law Firm

BLK Partners

Bracewell LLP

Clifford Chance LLP
D&C Legal Services


Derayah LLPC – Saudilegal

DLA Piper LLP (US)

Dr.Fahad Al-refaei & Partners Law Firm And Legal Consultations Company


Eversheds Sutherland

Greenberg Traurig LLP

Hamad in association with Youssry Saleh & Partners (AHYSP)
Hammad & Al-Mehdar Law Firm

Hazim Al Madani Attorneys & Legal Consultants

Herbert Smith Freehills LLP

Jones Day

JP Legal

Khoshaim & Associates

King & Spalding LLP

KN Legal

Latham & Watkins LLP

Law Firm of Hassan Mahassni

Law Office of Azzam Faisal Khouj


Linklaters LLP

Luqman Legal Advocates and Legal Consultants

Meysan Partners

Mohammed AlHashem Law Firm

Norton Rose Fulbright

Omar Al-Rasheed & Partners Law Firm

Osool Law Firm

Quinn Emanuel Urquhart & Sullivan, LLP

Sahal Law Firm

Sharif Akkad Law Firm (MAK)

Simmons & Simmons

Sohaibani & Partners
SuhailPartners LLP

The Law Firm of Salah Al-Hejailan in association with Freshfields Bruckhaus Deringer

The Saudi Office, Lawyers & Consultants

Trabulsi & Co. Advocates & Legal Consultants

White & Case LLP